
Mushroom Complex 90 Capsules - Lions Mane, Reishi, Cordyceps, Chaga L. MASTER

Description: It is highly probable that every Daoist practitioner that ever lived in Asia (China, Korea, Japan, etc.) consumed certain tonic herbs, either regularly or from time to time. Many abstained from most food, as we know it, but none that I have ever heard of abstained from tonic herbs.Why? Did these adepts take herbs just so they could have more energy so they could accomplish their daily tasks? Did they take tonic herbs to handle the stress encountered in life? Did they take them to overcome health challenges? No. They took (take) tonic herbs to nurture the fundamental “energies” of life. Daoists are interested in “cultivating” their life by nurturing their body, mind and spirit. Daoism is a “fast” technique of achieving immortality (enlightenment). By attuning oneself to Dao, and by following this “path,” it is possible to attain supreme consciousness in one lifetime, not many. The tonic herbs are an integral, essential component of a spiritual path. The tonic herbs are not medicinal herbs, though they certainly can be healing. They are profound health promoting substances.It is possible to build and protect our health so that we can live life optimally. Radiant health is attainable, and we can maintain it once we have it. Radiant health is attainable if we learn the secrets of living in accord with Nature’s laws and take advantage of a few of Nature’s tools.Among the great “tools” discovered by humankind to aid in the attainment of radiant health are the Chinese tonic herbs, also known in Asia the “Superior Herbs”. The tonic herbs are the elite herbs of the Chinese herbal system, the most fully developed herbal system in the world. The Chinese tonic herbs have always held a very special place in Asian culture. These very special natural substances have been associated with the highest qualities of living, and thus are associated with the ideals of long life, slow aging, glowing health, happiness, wisdom, physical vitality, adaptability, sexual vigor and response, mental acuity and clear intuition, love and compassion, and harmonious relations with Nature and with one’s fellow human beings. By achieving these goals, one can be said to have attained true “radiant health.”What distinguishes Chinese herbalism from other systems has been the attitude the Chinese and other Asian societies have taken toward health. Putting the emphasis on promotinghealth, they have created a body of knowledge concerning the health-promoting tonic herbs that no other society or system has matched. Other systems have emphasized the remedial over the preventive.The Traditional Three Treasures System of HealthcareJing, the First TreasureThe first “treasure” is known as Jing, which may be translated as regenerative essence, or simply as essence. Jing is fundamental to life. It is the deepest source of energy in the body and is associated with our genetics. Jing is also our long term energy and may be thought of as our reserves of life force. In Asia, Jing is associated with regeneration, longevity, youthfulness, deep long-term vitality, mental energy, the source of power for the reproductive system and for optimal functioning of the immune system. Jing energy also supports our skeletal system, renal functions and our ability to hear. Jing is believed to govern our courage and is the power behind our will.Jing energy is depleted by living itself, but most especially by stress, excessive behavior, and overwork. Jing energy can be re-acquired and replenished through the consumption of certain rare herbs which contain this treasure.Jing herbs are divided into two categories: Yin and Yang tonics. Sophisticated formulations have been developed over the centuries that build Yin and Yang energy and these are created by blending Yin herbs and Yang herbs in one’s diet. The secret of rejuvenation and in maintaining our health lies in rebuilding the right balance of Yin and YangYin herbs are deeply nourishing. They replenish spent Jing and build reserves that are stored in the body for future use. They are famed for their long term regenerative qualities. They are generally moistening and are believed to be youth preserving. Yin herbs should be consumed by people who have depleted their yin reserves. Life itself depletes yin, and yin is constantly consumed as we grow older, until by middle age many people experience yin depletion. Besides aging, yin is also specifically depleted by stress, overwork, exhaustion, childbearing, excessive or chronic drug or medicine use, disease, excessive emotionalism and sexual excess. Those who are deficient in yin Jing tend to be chronically exhausted, and they tend to have dark rings under their eyes, backaches, weak kidney and reproductive functions, low resistance to infection, weak digestion and show signs of rapid aging, including dryness and wrinkling of the skin. Yin Jing herbs are capable of replenishing the treasure and building reserves for the future. Thus Yin Jing herbs are considered in Asia to be the cornerstone of rejuvenation and the foundation of longevity.Yang herbs are deeply empowering. They rekindle the fire of life where it has been spent and invigorate vitality at the deepest levels. They are famed for their rejuvenating and deeply invigorating qualities. Yang herbs are used to build creative power, will power, sexual energy and athletic vigor. The result of consuming YangJing herbs is a renewed and sustainable youthfulness. However, Yang energy tends to be warm and invigoration and therefore requires Yin to maintain coolness and balance. Yang herbs should never be taken by a person suffering from Yin deficiency because the Yang herbs can further aggravate the situation by consuming the already deficient Yin Jing. If you wish to utilize Yang herbs, build up the YinJing first until all signs of Yin deficiency are eliminated. This may take some time, but regular consumption of powerful Yin Jing herbs will surely nurture the deep yin. Eventually Yangherbs can be consumed ? and that’s when the real fun begins.Some people may experience hot symptoms and dryness, and still be Yang deficient. It is possible to be both Yin and Yang deficient but to be more Yin deficient. This will result in what is known as “false fire,” where the person will experience heat, inflammation, low grade fevers, hot flashes, etc. These people will certainly need to consume a lot of Yin Jing herbs, but they may also need to consume a small amount of Yang Jing herbs if they also lack any power.QI, the Second TreasureThe second treasure is known as Qi. Qi may be translated as vitality, though that term is an over-simplification. Qi is the energy of life that we acquire through breathing and eating and manifests as our day to day vitality. Qi tonics are also divided into two categories: Qi (Energy) tonics and Blood tonics. These Qi and Blood tonics are important in the maintenance of day-to-day health and vitality, our resistance to disease and our ability to cope with stress.Qi tonics fortify the digestive, respiratory and immune functions and are necessary for true health. Qi tonics also help build muscle and develop muscular strength. Blood tonics help build blood and nourish all the tissues of the body.It is said that “men are governed by Qi and women are governed by Blood. This means that men generally benefit by consuming more Qi tonics while women generally benefit by consuming more Xue tonics. This does not mean that men do not need Blood and women do not need Qi. It is simply a matter of natural balance. Everybody should consume some amount of Qi and Blood tonics regularly according to need.SHEN, the Third TreasureThe third treasure is called Shen. Shen is the energy of consciousness and awareness. Though there is no precise translation for Shen, it is often translated as Spirit. Shen is the vitality and stability of the mind and of the human spirit. A person with strong Shen is one who is calm and at peace, strong minded, aware, clear, centered, deeply intelligent and profoundly happy.A person who is kind, generous and giving and who has a big heart is said to have a lot of Shen. Certain herbs have been found through the centuries to enhance this Shen energy. Shen tonics generally have a mild calming quality. When combined into an herbal program that is taken daily, Shen tonic formulation will have profound effects on our state of mind and body.Tonic herbs can be categorized as Jing (Yin and/or Yang), Qi (Qi and/or Blood) and Shen (opening and/or stabilizing) by virtue of which treasure(s) they tend to nourish and develop.Your Life is Like a CandleA simple, traditional analogy by which one can understand the Three Treasures concept is to think of life being like a candle.The material of the candle itself, the wax and the wick form the innate substance, or essence, of the candle. Depending on the quality of the wax and the size of the candle, the candle can be expected to have a certain life expectancy. Thus the candle itself is analogous to Jing.The flame is the actual activity of the candle. The flame is energy manifested. It provides the source of light. However, it eventually consumes the candle. The flame is analogous to Qi.The light given off by the flame is the ultimate purpose of the candle. A larger candle, and thus a larger flame, will give off greater light. The light given off by the candle is analogous to Shen, which is the spirit of the candle.Our lives are like that of a candle. Genetically we are given certain regenerative power, but when our Jing is used up we die. The purpose of taking Chinese tonic herbs is to replenish the Jing and Qi and to stabilize our emotional body so that Shen may fully develop.The Importance of the Three TreasuresThe reason tonic herbs are so important is because they protect, supply and replenish the Three Treasures, Jing, Qi and Shen. The Three Treasures are the three fundamental “energy states” inherent in all life (and arguably in all that exists). These energies are called “treasures” because they are the very basis of our life.Tonic herbs are mentioned or alluded to in virtually every ancient Asian spiritual and health-related text passed down through the ages. For example, Lao Zi, the founder of Daoism, composed the book known as the Dao De Jing. Dao can be roughly translated as “the Way of the Universe.” De is very close to Dao. But De is the way that Dao works within a human being. De may be translated as “the Inner Way” or “Inner Power.” The Three Treasures are the component energies of De, the inner power that animates human life.Here’s what a few other great, illuminated Daoist sages have said regarding the Three Treasures:Qi Bo (the sage of The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine ? the seminal text of the Chinese health arts) said:“Heaven within me is De (Inner Power).Earth within me is Qi (vitality)De flows down, Qi expands, and there is life.The coming forth of living beings indicates Jing (Essence).When a pair of Jing embrace, Shen manifests.”Lu Zi said:“The human body is only Jing, Qi and Shen. Jing, Qi and Shen are called the Three Treasures.Jing. In people it is primal energy, the root of essence and life, the body of flesh and blood.Qi. In people it is energy, physical movement, activity, speech, and perception. It is the use of the body and the gateway of life and death.Shen. In people, it is the spirit, the light in the eyes, thought in the mind. It is the wisdom and intelligence, innate knowledge and capacity. It is the lord-ruler of Jing and Qi, awareness and understanding. It is the basis of the physical shell, and the foundation of the life span.If you want to learn the Great Way, you must value the Three Treasures. Without the Three Treasures you cannot live long, and deep attainment cannot be reached in a limited time: so you will not learn the Great Way. The Three Treasures must not be wasted. They must be nourished and protected as one’s life.”The Three Treasures are difficult to obtain. Since they are not easily obtained, how can we not take care of them? They are to be taken care of, and this is accomplished by purity and tranquility, not agitating the Jing, not letting it leak, so that it abides peacefully in its original home, true to reality as it is, circulating three hundred and sixty-one times in a day and night, returning to its original home, true to its own nature, immutable, forming the stabilizing ingredient in the elixir of immortality.Jing is always controlled by Qi. Once Qi runs outside, Jing eventually leaks out. Therefore, to stabilize Jing one should guard the Qi.Without spirit (Shen) there is no substance, without substance there is no spirit (Shen). Spirit is active, substance receptive; substance acts through the spirit. Emptiness and substantiality interact and balance each other, subtly combining into one whole. Those who master understanding of this principle combine the qualities of firmness and flexibility; as emptiness and substantiality produce one another, they penetrate the mystery of earth. Also, by understanding the basis of this, creativity and receptivity are established in their proper places, and the great elixir of life is made.Human life in the world is no more than that of a dayfly. This is true not only of ordinary people but also of the great sages and Buddhas of all times as well. However, though a lifetime is limited, Shen is unlimited. If we look on the universe from the point of view of our lifetime, our lifetimes are those of dayflies. But if we look on the universe from the point of view of our Shen, the universe too is like a dayfly.”Daoist Master Zhou Jing said:“Jing, Qi and Shen activate the human being. If they are not depleted they will work intrinsically to produce the substances needed to remain youthful. The ancients have stated, “Heaven has three treasures — the sun, moon and stars. Mankind has three treasures — Jing, Qi and Shen.”The Superior HerbalismApplying the principle of the Three Treasures is the highest form of herbalism. In the Orient it is called “the Superior Herbalism.” The Superior Herbalism is based upon the use of a category of herbs now commonly referred to as the “tonic herbs.”Shennong, the legendary ruler of China who is credited with developing the Chinese herbal system thousands of years ago, described the tonic herbs like this:The herbs of the Superior Class are the rulers. They control the maintenance of life and correspond to Heaven. These herbs are not medicines (they possess no toxicity) so the taking of these herbs in larger amounts or over a long period of time is not harmful. If you wish to take the material weight from the body, to supplement the energies and nutrients circulating in the body, and to prolong the years of life without aging, you should base your efforts on the herbs of the Superior Class.”The Superior Herbs stand juxtaposed to the herbs known as the Inferior Herbs which form the foundation of Inferior (medicinal or remedial) herbalism. Shennong said:“The herbs of the Inferior Class are the assistants. They control the curing of illnesses and correspond to Earth. They possess a markedly medicinal effectiveness and must not be taken over a long period of time since side effects will likely result. If you wish to remove cold, heat, and other evil influences from the body, to break up stagnation of any sort and to cure illnesses, you should base your efforts on the herbs in the Inferior Class.The tonic herbs have unique qualities that make them different from all other herbs. The single most important quality is that they contain an abundance of one or more of the Three Treasures, Jing, Qi and/or Shen. That is why Shennong says that they “supplement the energies and nutrients circulating in the body and prolong the years of life without aging.”Major Tonic Herbs Used by Daoists for Centuries to Nurture the Three Treasures There are currently about fifty-two natural substances that are generally recognized as the major Chinese tonic herbs. These incomparable, legendary herbal substances have stood the test of time. Each has in its own right come to be recognized, through many centuries of continuous use, to be a remarkable life enhancing tonic. These are the true super-tonics, the greatest list of herbal substances in the world. Of the fifty two major tonic herbs, a dozen or so stand out as the superstars. These twelve herbs have been the backbone of Daoist tonic herbalism for at least three millennia. It is highly probable that Lao Zi and the Yellow Emperor himself consumed all or most of these herbs. Countless sages and masters of the Daoist arts have used these herbs, and benefited by attaining great longevity and “immortality” (enlightenment ? universal consciousness). The following descriptions of these twelve super-tonic herbs are not exhaustive. They present insight into the twelve great tonic herbs and provide the most important functions of each one ? knowledge that every person using herbs to promote radiant health should have. The information provided here is designed to lay the groundwork for a broader understanding of tonic herbalism. In fact, it was difficult to limit the list to twelve herbs, since some of the other tonic herbs have profound benefits. For much more in-depth descriptions of all of these herbs and how they are used, you are encouraged to read The Ancient Wisdom of the Chinese Tonic Herbs (AKA “Radiant Health”), published by Warner Books. This book will prove to be an invaluable resource and guidebook on your path to radiant health. Though most of these super-tonic herbs may be used individually, in actual practice, most of the herbs are combined into formulations that may be consumed on a daily or otherwise regular basis to promote one’s long term health and well-being. Reishi Reishi is considered by many people to be the ultimate tonic herb. It is widely renowned in the Orient as the “mushroom of immortality” and the “herb of good fortune.” The best Reishi is the red variety known as Ganoderma lucidum. Again, every Daoist that has ever lived in China, Korea or Japan consumed Reishi as often as possible. Reishi is now cultivated in Asia, and the very best Reishi is grown on “Duanwood” logs by organic means, and thus it is known as “Duanwood Reishi.” Hothouse Reishi and Reishi mycelium, varieties most commonly available on the U.S. market, are of inferior quality. Wild Reishi is also available, and high quality wild red Reishi is a premier Shen tonic. Reishi has been demonstrated in research done in China and Japan to be a significant immune system enhancing agent that also protects the various organs and tissues of the body. It is the supreme Shen tonic of Chinese tonic herbalism, and is also considered to be a major Qi tonic. Reishi has an immediate calming influence, and over time is believed to help enhance wisdom, which may lead to true spiritual insight. Reishi protects the liver from poisons and has a very powerful regulating effect on people who experience allergies. Everybody should consume Duanwood or wild Reishi every day, and practitioners of Qi Gung or other forms of Taoist yoga should never miss a day. Ginseng Asian Ginseng is the primary Qi tonic of Chinese tonic herbalism. Wild ginseng is an elite Shen tonic, revered by Daoists. Ginseng is one of the most famous and valued herbs used by mankind. Panax (Asian) Ginseng is an energy tonic that regulates the human energy system. It helps to regulate and nurture both the central nervous system and the endocrine system. Ginseng is an adaptogenic herb. It helps a person to adapt to all kinds of stress, and enhances endurance and resilience under stressful conditions. High quality gnseng tonifies all the systems of the body, but is most specifically tonifying to the Spleen and Lung functions, the functions that produce Qi in the body. Wild Ginseng nurtures spiritual power and thus is said to enter the Heart meridian. Ginseng contains many active ingredients, but the most important are the saponins called ginsenosides. Ginsenosides specifically improve adaptability and are believed to help build muscle and endurance. Therefore Ginseng is very popular with athletes. Asian Ginseng generally has a “warm” energy. Most high quality ginseng is good for men and women alike. Wild and semi?wild Ginseng is generally far superior to the cultivated, commercial varieties. Wild ginseng possesses qualities that cultivated ginseng doe not, and has been a primary herb used by Daoist adepts. The higher the quality, the more Shen (Spirit) a ginseng root is said to contain. Ask for advice as to which might be best for you. Beware of cheap Ginseng products, because they are often made from immature roots that have imbalanced chemistry. These cheaper Ginseng products account for Ginseng’s unfortunate reputation for increasing tension or for causing headaches, or even high blood pressure. Mature, high quality Ginseng will not have any side effects. Schizandra Fruit Schizandra is a wonderful tonic historically consumed by Chinese royalty. It is one of the few herbs that contain all three Treasures in abundance. Therefore, all Daoists throughout Chinese history consumed Schizandra. Schizandra is considered to be a youth preserving herb and is renowned as a beauty tonic. It has been used for centuries to make the skin soft, moist and radiant. It is also said to be a powerful tonic to the brain and mind, and is believed in China to improve memory. It is also said to be an excellent and reliable sexual tonic when consumed regularly. It is said to help produce abundant sexual fluids, increase sexual endurance and to strengthen the whole body. It is used in many tonic formulations as an “astringent,” preventing the leaking of Jing. Schizandra has a wonderful multi layered flavor when processed properly. The best Schizandra comes from the Chiangbai Mountains of Manchuria (northern China). Astragalus Root Astragalus root is one of the most important herbs in the world. Astragalus is the main herb in a wide range of tonic formulations. It is said to strengthen the “upright Qi” which supports our posture and the position of the organs. Astragalus has been used for over two thousand years to strengthen the body as a whole. It has been recognized as a superb and potent immune system tonic by modern researchers. It balances the immune system and may be used consistently and indefinitely without fear of side effects. Astragalus has also been found to be a tonic to bone marrow. Astragalus is believed by the Oriental people to strengthen muscle and improve metabolic functions. The Qi building power of high quality Astragalus matches that of ginseng. Like all tonic herbs, Astragalus is available in a wide range of qualities. Generally, with Astragalus as with Ginseng, when you purchase Astragalus, you are paying for the Qi available in the herb. More expensive varieties contain for more Qi than cheaper varieties. You get what you pay for with Astragalus. Codonopsis Root This superb Qi tonic is used in much the same manner as Ginseng, and is considered to be an excellent substitute for Ginseng in any formulation calling for basic Ginseng, but requiring a gentler effect. It is said to restore energy, balance the metabolism and stimulate the production of blood. It is also traditionally used to clear the lungs of mucous and as a tonic of special value to nursing mothers. It is said to help the skin become elastic, smooth and radiant and is thus used in many tonic formulations designed to increase both beauty and vitality. It is an excellent tonic to the immune system. Cordyceps This rare and strange herb is considered to be a moderately Jing (primal essence) tonic of the highest stature, in the same league as other major super-tonic herbs such as Deer Antler, Reishi and Ginseng. Cordyceps is also a superb Qi tonic, and is especially valued as a Lung tonic.It is a mushroom that grows on the head of a particular kind of caterpillar in mountainous regions of Tibet, Mongolia and Western China. It has enormous renown as a tonic herb, and is said to build sexual and physical power. It increases mental energy, and is one of the most powerful tonics to the immune system known to mankind. Cordyceps is universally believed in the Orient to prolong life and slow down aging. It possesses both Yin and Yang tonic properties, accounting for its enormous popularity and value. High quality wild Cordyceps is currently selling for over $12 million a ton in the Chinese market. Obviously, a small amount is all that is necessary to achieve a big result in terms of building Jing. Deer Antler Deer Antler is widely believed in the Orient to strengthen all aspects of a person’s life, and is considered to be an ultimate Yang primal essence (Jing) tonic. It is a warm tonic, although it is also known to contain Yin Jing. It is also a major blood tonic. Extracts of Deer Antler have been found to strengthen the central nervous system and the heart. Deer Antler is believed to strengthen the mind and to calm, yet enliven, the Spirit (Shen). Deer antler is universally believed throughout the Orient to invigorate sexual energy. Modern research indicates that Deer Antler stimulates the production of blood by nourishing the marrow. Deer antler contains chemicals that are very closely related to human growth hormone (HGH) and is now widely believed to promote youthfulness as a result of this chemistry. The soft antler of the male deer is removed from the deer when it has grown just two or three spikes and is still covered by velvet. The deer grows new antlers. The tip of the antler is the most potent part because it contains the most active substances (more than 90% of the active substances in deer antler are contained in the tip, the last inch of the antler). It takes thirty deer antlers to make one ounce of “tips.” Tips are more expensive than the middle and lower parts of the antler, but are of much more value. I recommend you only buy products made from the tips of the antler. Dendrobium Certain varieties of Chinese orchid are an excellent Yin essence (Jing) tonic and longevity herb. It has been widely used both by Daoist masters and by the Chinese elite.There are several species and varieties of Dendrobium available. Dendrobium is said to quickly and effectively replace spent “Jing.” It is widely used in the Orient by those who engage in a lot of sexual activity to replace the spent energy and to replace fluids; and thus it is commonly called “honeymooners tea.” When combined with licorice root, Schizandra and Lycium fruit, it is also called “healer’s tea,” because it is said to provide healing energy which can be transmitted to others, and replace the spent healing energy. Thus body workers, other hands?on healers, and all those who give of themselves from their soul, benefit by consuming Dendrobium. My great Daoist teacher Sung Jin Pak, recommended that I consume Dendrobium every day because of my activities as a hands on acupressurist. Eucommia Eucommia is a superb Jing tonic, used to strengthen the back (especially the lower back), skeleton, and joints (especially the knees and ankles). Eucommia possesses both Yin and Yang activity and is thus suitable to men and women alike. Eucommia is believed to confer strength and flexibility to the ligaments and tendons. It is often used by Qi Gung practitioners, martial artists, yoga practitioners, and other athletes to strengthen the back, knees, and the entire body. It has been found to be very helpful at regulating blood pressure, especially high blood pressure. Eucommia is widely used in China as a safe and effective sex tonic for men and women. It is also considered to be a major longevity herb. It was the second herb described in the first herbal text written in China, by Shennong, following only ginseng. He Shou Wu Constant consumption of this famous “longevity herb,” whose full name is Polygonum multiflorum, is said in the Orient to help return an aging person to youthfulness and to keep a young person young. This herb has been consumed by almost every Daoist that has ever lived, and is fundamental to the practice of the Daoist inner arts. It is an unsurpassed Yin Jing tonic, as well as a major blood tonic. It is said to increase energy and to clean the blood. As an essence tonic, it is believed to be a powerful sexual tonic when consumed regularly. He Shou Wu is widely believed in China to increase sperm production in men and to increase fertility in women. It is used in almost all tonics that are believed in the Orient to nurture the hair and teeth. It was the first herb my great teacher gave me. I still consume it every day, no matter what I’m doing or where I am. Rehmannia Rehmannia is said to be the “Kidney’s own food.” It is thus believed to be a Kidney tonic and longevity herb and is found in many common “anti?aging” formulations for longevity, and rejuvenation. It is also considered a premium blood tonic and is said to benefit sexual functions in men and women. The steamed variety is said to be warm in nature, and it is the steamed variety that is considered tonic. Steamed Rehmannia should be combined with Qi tonics to improve its assimilation. Gynostemma Gynostemma is popularly believed in Asia to be an anti-aging, longevity herb. Gynostemma is generally reinforcing to overall health, and has a strong anti-fatigue effect. It is also used throughout Asia as a virtual “cure-all.” Gynostemma is a major adaptogenic herb, in the same league as Panax Ginseng, Reishi, Schizandra and Astragalus. It is an herb that has been revered and widely used by Daoists in Southern China as a primary Qi tonic. Gynostemma is widely believed to improve the utilization of oxygen, to improve digestion, to strengthen the mind, and to improve sexual functions. It is also believed to help calm the nerves and to ease pain. The ultimate greatness of Gynostemma lies in its broad spectrum adaptogenic quality. It has double-direction activity in many areas. It has the ability to bring balance to the body under a wide range of stressful circumstances. Constant consumption of Gynostemma tends to have a highly protective quality because it strengthens the adaptive capacity of the person at every level of their life. Constant consumption of Gynostemma is widely believed to promote radiant health and great longevity. Gynostemma has fabulous, safe anti-inflammatory activity throughout the body, while strengthening the overall immune system. The chemical constituents responsible for the adaptogenic characteristic of Gynostemma are saponins called gypenosides. LIST OF INGREDIENTS:1.TONGKAT ALI 200:1 EXTRACT2.DEER ANTLER 20:1 EXTRACT3.CORDYCEPS 20:1 EXTRACT4.SCHISANDRA 20:1 EXTRACT5.MARAL ROOT 20:1 EXTRACT6.LION'S MANE MUSHROOM 20:1 EXTRACT7.CHAGA MUSHROOM 20:1 EXTRACT8.HE SHOU WU (FO-TI) 20:1 EXTRACT (PREPARED)9.GYNOSTEMMA 20:1 EXTRACT10.ASTRAGALUS ROOT 20:1 EXTRACT11.RHODIOLA ROOT 20:1 EXTRACT12.CISTANCHE TUBULOSA 20:1 EXTRACT13.REISHI MUSHROOM 20:1 EXTRACT14.PINE POLLEN 15.POLYRHACHIS 20:1 EXTRACT16.SHILAJIT 20:1 EXTRCT17.ASPARAGUS ROOT 20:1 EXTRACT18.REHMANNIA 20:1 EXTRACT19.EUCOMMIA 20:1 EXTRACT20.DENDROBIUM 20:1 EXTRACT21.AJUGA TURKESTANICA (10% TURKESTERONE) EXTRACT22.ASHWAGANDHA 20:1 EXTRACT23.MACA ROOT 20:1 EXTRACT24.LICORICE ROOT 20:1 EXTRACT 90 X 500mg VEGETARIAN CAPSULES .100% PURE INGREDIENTS.HIGH POTENCY EXTRACTS.NO FILLERS!!.ORGANIC - NON GMO

Price: 19.99 USD

Location: Bozeman, Montana

End Time: 2024-02-02T17:52:08.000Z

Shipping Cost: N/A USD

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Mushroom Complex  90 Capsules - Lions Mane, Reishi, Cordyceps, Chaga L. MASTER

Item Specifics

Restocking Fee: No

Return shipping will be paid by: Seller

All returns accepted: Returns Accepted

Item must be returned within: 30 Days

Refund will be given as: Money Back

Main Purpose: Anti-Aging

Expiration Date: 2025

Active Ingredients: Chaga Mushroom

Brand: ganesha herbs

Administration: Oral

Type: Mushroom

Formulation: Capsule

Ingredients: Lion's Mane Mushroom, Chaga Mushroom, Cordyceps Sinensis, Reishi Mushroom

Features: Natural, Organic

Country/Region of Manufacture: United States


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