
FREEMASONRY Vintage Book Collection, 450+ Books + Vintage Masonic Image Gallery

Description: FREEMASONRY ~Vintage Book Collection~(Box shown for illustration only - NOT SUPPLIED IN SALE)We are please to present, on one data DVD-Rom disc, a huge collection of 464 historic, vintage books on the fascinating subject of Freemasonry. Features historical works, hand-books, centennials & historic celebrations, ritual texts, constitutions, music & poems, periodicals, lectures & much more. There are over 4GBs of data here, many hours of valuable research material and 1000s of pages of reading. Many of these texts are now out of print or are VERY hard to find. screen shot of the disc menu: Includes all of the following essential Masonic texts: The Secret Tradition In Freemasonry - An E Waite Distributed in two volumes extending to 964 pages, the two volumes of the first 1911 version are provided. It has been appropriately commended as "the most important book ever written on the esoteric aspects of Freemasonry." Contents: Creative and Emblematic Freemasonry; Craft Degrees and Their Connections; Second Holy House; New Alliance in Freemasonry; Quest in Christian Ritual; Masonic Orders of Chivalry Apart from Templar Grades; Templar Grades of Freemasonry; Of Alchemy in Masonry; Of Magical and Kabbalistical Degrees; The Growth of Masonic Tradition; Freemasonry and the French Revolution; Mysteries on their Mystical Side. Extremely important. A masonic work of art. The Templar Orders in Freemasonry - A. E. Waite No longer in print, this is unquestionably required reading for those keen to discover how Masonic Templarism started. Waite analyzes the legends of post Templar existence through scholars such as Andrew Michael Ramsay and Baron Karl von Hund who were amongst the first first to draw an association between Crusader period orders and the Masonic Brotherhood. The Symbolism of Freemasonry – Albert G. Mackey From the first 1882 first version, this is a fundamental work for anybody genuine about understanding Freemasonry. It represents and clarifies the science and theory, legends, fantasies and imagery of Freemasonry. Illustrations of Masonry – William Preston Quite possibly the most compelling portrayals of Freemasonry. Its starting points lay in a 1772 talk by Preston investigating the imagery and moral importance of the initiation ceremony and the first degree. He fostered his vindication of Freemasonry into an amazing piece which has significantly impacted Freemasonry up to the current day. He portrays different Masonic functions, and gives a background to Freemasonry which remains essential. Morals And Dogma - Albert Pike Essential for all Masons or anybody searching for lost knowledge. Extending to 861 pages this series of lectures on the esoteric foundations on masonry (notably, the 32-degree Scottish Rite), was first distributed in 1872. The book is divided into 32 parts, each talking about the philosophical imagery of a degree of Freemasonry in comprehensive detail. The Principles of Masonic Law – Albert G. Mackey 'A Treatise on the Constitutional Laws, Usages and Landmarks of Freemasonry'. One analyst remarks on this Masonic classic that it, "lays bare the secrets of the worlds oldest clandestine organization. Learn about Masonry from one who knows.."!! Brothers and Builders, The Basis and Spirit of Freemasonry - J. F. Newton This exemplary piece of Masonic writing presents an early history of Freemasonry and an investigation into the faith present in Masonry. Newton gives answers to the most asked questions on Masonry. The Secret Teachings of All Ages, - Manly P Hall This gigantic work nears 50 chapters in lengths, each so imbued with information that it could be compared to a whole short book of itself. Secret Teachings is an all encompassing layout of masonic, hermetic, Qabalistic and Rosicrucian symbolical philosophy. The Cooke Manuscript One of the earliest known Masonic documents, the Cooke Manuscript traces all the way back to 1450. The total text is given here in a modern translation of the Olde English. Some Deeper Aspects of Masonic Symbolism - A.E. Waite This is fundamental knowledge for Freemasons inspired by a more complete comprehension of the Masonic degrees that make up the Craft Lodge of Masonry. Subjects covered include, the meaning of initiation, the Third Degree, the Christian Mysteries, Operative Masonry, The Old Charges and a large range of different subjects. The Lost Keys of Masonry – Manly P. Hall Hall's exemplary work on history's most mysterious fraternity. Hall was a Mason himself and developed a deep rooted interest in the mysterious order, making it the focal point of one of his first yet best-adored books, The Lost Keys of Freemasonry. In this much praised work, he looks at the moral training expected of a Freemason, and the person qualities a Mason must form inside himself. The General Ahiman Rezon - Daniel Sickels Quite possibly the most pursued of Masonic collections, with depictions of ceremonial functions, psalms, building dedications, memorial services, and much more. The Regius Manuscript – "A Poem of Moral Duty" Assessed to have been composed around 1390, this is the oldest known Masonic Document. It is given here to you in both the original and translated versions. An Encyclopedia of Freemasonry and It's Kindred Sciences - A G Mackey Mackey's conclusive reference book is the fundamental beginning spot for Masonic exploration. The creator's motivation was to gather materials for a work which would outfit each Freemason who may study its pages, with a method for gaining information on all issue associated with the science, theory and history of the Order. A stunning assortment of facts, stories, memoirs, ideas and myths all identifying with Freemasonry. The Arcana Of Freemasonry - A Churchward First distributed in 1915, symbol master Churchward follows and uncovers the historical backdrop of the order. From Egyptian history and Mayan relief work, through Greek mathematicians, philosophers and metaphysicians, he traces the basic symbolism of Freemasonry to the secret imagery found in the signs and devices of Freemasonry today. With such information, readers might discover hidden meanings in all facets of life - in art, architecture, poems, geometrical shapes, and contemporary literature that uses Masonic secrets as plot devices. Masonic Handbooks – J S M Ward Every one of the 4 of Ward's exemplary handbooks are present (Entered Apprentice, Fellowcraft, Master Mason and Higher Degrees) This series of studies on the significance of Ritual clarifies the more esoteric and exoteric components of every degree. An outright must read. The Meaning Of Masonry - W L Wilmshurst Investigates the convictions behind the order, its secretive ceremonies and imagery, and reveals its definitive meaning. Depicted as... "maybe the most clear article regarding the matter on paper today" and the writer as "perhaps the most lucid exposition on the subject in print today” and the author as “the most spiritually aware writer about Freemasonry who ever lived." This book investigates Freemasonry as a spiritual form of philosophy. Investigated, are the significance behind the imagery, the underlying foundations of Freemasonry and an explanation of masonic ceremony. THIS IS JUST A SMALL SAMPLE OF THE TEXTS ON THE DISC. THE COMPLETE LIST IS AS FOLLOWS: A Candid Disquisition of the Principles & Practices of the Most Ancient & Honourable Society of Free & Accepted Masons - W Calcott (1769)A Catalogue Of The Library In Freemason's Hall, Leicester - H S Biggs (1891)A Catalogue Raisonne´ Of Works On The Occult Sciences; Volume 3, Freemasonry - W W Westcott (1903)A Century Of Free Masonry In Nantucket - A Starbuck (1903)A Chronological History With An Address To The Members Of Aurora Grata Lodge Of Perfection 14°, Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite - J S Gillen (1891)A Compendium Of Freemasonry In Illinois Volume 1 - G Warvelle (1897)A Compendium Of Freemasonry In Illinois Volume 2 - G Warvelle (1897)A Defence Of Freemasonry - A F A Woodford (1874)A Dictionary Of Symbolical Masonry - G Oliver (1855)A General History Of Freemasonry - E Rebold (1872)A History Of Freemasonry In Lincolnshire - W Dixon (1894)A History Of Lodge No. 61 F & A M Wilkesbarré, Pa - O J Harvey (1897)A Lexicon Of Freemasonry - A G Mackey (1872)A Masonic Manual - J Wright Anderson (1908)A Program For Peace In An Industrial Age - G P Ellis (19__)A Review Of Cryptic Masonry In The United States - G Warvelle (1895)A Short Masonic History Volume 1 - F Armitage (1909)A Short Masonic History Volume 2 - F Armitage (1909)A Short View Of The History Of Freemasonry Dedicated To The Grand Lodge Of England - W Sandys (1829)A Study In American Freemasonry - A Preuss (1908)Abraham Lincoln, Freemason; An Address Delivered Before Harmony Lodge No. 17 F.A.A.M. Washington DC - L Carman (1914)Acacian Lyrics & Miscellaneous Poems - L A H Munday (1862)Acts Of Parliament Referring To Freemasonry - H J Whymper (1892)Address At The Installation Of Officers Of Prince Of Orange Lodge No. 16, New York City, December 29, A.L. 5866 - S H Tyng (1867)Address Of Benjamin B. French, Grand Master Of Free & Accepted Masons, October 19, 1868 - B B French (1868)Address Of General Grand Master, Seventh Triennial Assembly, Cincinnati, Ohio, September 24th, 1900 - B Nichol (1900)Address To The Grand Chapter Of The State Of New York, Albany, February 2d, 1897 - G E W Stivers (1897)Address Upon The History Of The Antagonism & Assaults Of The Papacy Against Freemasonry & Free Government - E A Sherman (1889)Akin's Lodge Manual With The Georgia Masonic Code - J W Akin (1911)Albert Edward Lodge, No. 1783, Huddersfield. The History Of Its Minority (1900)American Indian Freemasonry - A C Parker (1919)An Encyclopedia Of Freemasonry & Its Kindred Sciences - A G Mackey (1889)An English View Of Freemasonry In America - G W Speth (1898)An Essay On The Mysteries Of Free Masons - W H Reece (1862)An Exact Reproduction Of The 'Macnab Masonic Ms.', A.D. 1722 - W Watson (1896)An Historical Address At Lebanon, N.H. - A Stillman Batchellor (1896)An Interesting Companion For A Leisure Hour - D Fraser (1814)Ancient & Modern Initiation - M Heindel (19__)Ancient Craft Masonry In Vermont - L S Tillotson (1920)Ancient Mysteries & Modern Masonry - C H Vail (1909)Ancient Religious Traditions & Symbols - H Sykes (19__)Anderson's Constitutions & The Wilson Manuscript - A F A Woodford (1878)Anderson's Constitutions Of The Freemasons (1723)Arcana Saitica Briefly Discussed In Three Essays On The Masonic Tracing Board - G Herbert (1879)Bacon's Secret Disclosed In Contemporary Books - G Cunningham (1911)Brother Of The Third Degree - W Garver (1894)Brotherly Love Recommended In A Sermon - C Brockwell (1705)Brothers & Builders - J F Newton (192_)Burial Service Of The Orders Of Knighthood As Adopted By The Grand Commandery Of Michigan (1868)By Laws Of Corinthian Lodge Of Ancient, Free & Accepted Masons, Of Concord, Mass - L A Surette (1859)By Laws Of Mary Commandery No. 36 Masonic Knights Templar (1876)Bye Laws & Regulations Of The Defence Lodge No.1221 Of Ancient, Free & Accepted Masons, Leeds (1879)Celebration Of The 125th Anniversary Of The Massachusets Lodge 1770-1895 (1896)Centenial Anniversary Of The Adoniram Royal Arch Chapter, New Bedford, Massachusetts (1916)Centennial Celebration & History Of Harmony Chapter No. 52, Royal Arch Masons - J Curtis (1894)Centennial History Of Freemasonary Embracing Otsego Lodge - A T Van Horne (1896)Ceremonies Commemorative Of The 75th Anniversary Of The Organization Of Columbia Royal Arch Chapter, No. 91 (1897)Ceremonies Incident To The Dedication Of The Scottish Rite Cathedral, Oakland Ca (1909)Chips From A Rough Ashlar - J Stevens (1885)Classification Of The Literature Of Freemasonry And Related Societies - Wl Boyden (1915)Code Of The Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite Of Free Masonry, Orient Of Illinois, Valley Of Chicago (1901)Condensed History Of The Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite Masonry - Grand Consistory Of The State Of Ny (1903)Consecration & Dedication Of The Scottish Rite Cathedral, Valley Of Fort Wayne, Indiana (1909)Constitution & Laws Of The Grand Lodge Of Virginia (1791)Constitution Of The Grand Commandery Of Knights Templar Of Pennsylvania. Together With The Resolutions, Decisions & Forms (1863)Constitution Of The Grand Council Of Royal & Select Masters Of Massachusetts (1877)Constitution Of The M.W. Grand Lodge F. & A.M. Of The Jurisdiction Of California (1920)Constitution, By-Laws, Manual Of The Lodge, Forms Of Documents; The Grand Lodge, A.F. & A.M. Of Oregon (1911)Constitutions Of The Ancient Fraternity Of F & Am - W G Clarke (1867)Crusading With Knights Templar Under The Banners Of Allegheny Commandery, No. 35 - D W Semple (1879)Cryptic Masonry; A Manual Of The Council - A G Mackey (1897)Danger Signals Number Two, Secret Societies Illuminated (1896)Desaguliers & The March Of Militant Masonry - G. E. Maine (19__)Devil-Worship In France - A E Waite (1896)Discourses, Illustrating The Principles, Displaying The Tendency & Vindicating The Design Of Free Masonry - T Harris (1801)Duncan's Masonic Ritual & Monitor - M C Duncan (1866)Francis Bacon & His Secret Society - H Pott (1891)Franklin's Account With The 'lodge Of Masons' 1731-1737, As Found Upon The Pages Of His Daily Journal - J F Sachse (1899)Free Masonry & The War; Report Of The Committee Under The Resolutions Of 1862, Grand Lodge Of Virginia (1865)Free Masonry In North America - H Whittemore (1889)Free Masonry; Its Pretensions Exposed In Faithful Extracts Of Its Standard Authors - H Ward (1828)Freemasonry & Catholicism - M Heindel (1919)Freemasonry & Its Jurisprudence - C I Patton (1872)Freemasonry And The Druids - W Winwood Reade (18__)Freemasonry Before The Existence Of Grand Lodges - L Vibert (1922)Freemasonry British, Continental Etc. - M Di Gargano (1883)Freemasonry From Ad 1600 To The Grand Lodge Era - W Hughan (1904)Freemasonry In America Prior To 1750 - M Maynard Jonson (1917)Freemasonry In Pennsylvania, 1727-1907 Volume 1 - N S Barratt (1908)Freemasonry In Pennsylvania, 1727-1907 Volume 2 - N S Barratt (1908)Freemasonry In Pennsylvania, 1727-1907 Volume 3 - N S Barratt (1908)Free-Masonry In Relation To The Divine Attribute Of Charity; A Lecture - G Dowty (1852)Freemasonry In The Holy Land; Or, Landmarks Of Hiram's Builders - R Morris (1876)Freemasonry Its Secrecy & Relation To Faith & Worship - T Russel (1875)Freemasonry Its Symbolism, Religious Nature & Law Of Perfection - C Paton (1873)Freemasonry, An Account Of The Early History Of Freemasonry In England - T L Fox (1870)Freemasonry; What It Is Not, & What It Is - P H Newham (1871)Freemasons Monitor; Or Illustrations Of Masonry - T S Webb & R Morris (1859)Fundamental Philosophic Secrets Within Masonry - W Wilmhurst (192_)Funeral Services Of Masonic Lodges (1878)Further Light & Other Poems Written For Masonic Occasions - H Bromwell (1920)General History Cyclopedia & Dictionary Of Freemasonry - R Macoy (1869)General Regulations For The Government Of The Order Of Royal Arch Masons Of England, Established By The Grand Chapter - W H White (1852)Grand Encampment Of Knights Templar For The Usa; 16th Triennial (1865)Hand-Book Of Eastern Star Helps - C B Jennings (1922)Harrington's Desideratum For The Age, A Masonic Work (1851)Highlights Of The Mexican Revolution - J Lewin Mccleish (1918)Hiram Abif Morris Marks & The Rev Morris Rosenbaum - G M Martin (1920)Hiram Abiff; The Builder - L Hulley (1921)Historical Sketch Of Columbia Lodge, No. 91, F & A M - J F Sachse (1916)Historical Sketch Of Manchester Lodge No. 14 A.F. & A.M - B P Owen (1907)Historical Sketch Of Philanthropic Lodge, F & A M Of Marblehead, Mass - S Hathaway (1888)Historical Sketch Of The Cryptic Rite Pilgrimage To Colorado & Pike's Peak, August 6th To 13th, A.D. 1899 - W M Shaver (1899)Historical Sketch Of The Order Of Knights Templar - T S Gourdin (1855)History Of Capitular Masonry In New Jersey, 1803-1903 (1903)History Of Freemasonry From The Year 1829 To The Present Time - G Oliver (1841)History Of Joseph Webb Lodge - J Waldo Denny (1901)History Of Lodge No 43 F & Am, Lancaster Pa - G R Welchans (1895)History Of Masonry In Wigan - J Brown (1882)History Of Scottish Rite Masonry, Valley Of Detroit, Michigan - J Corliss (1920)History Of St Andrew's Lodge, A.F. & A.M. No. 16, G.R.C. 1822-1922 - Ht Smith (1922)History Of The Masonic Persecutions In Different Quarters Of The Globe - G Oliver (1867)History Of Washington Lodge F. & A.M. Lubec, Maine 1822-1890 - J Mcgregor (1892)Ignorant Learned; Or, Researches After Tthe Long Lost' Mysteries Of Free-Masonry - H Melville (1863)Illustrations Of Masonry - W Preston (1867)Illustrations Of Masonry By One Of The Fraternity - Wm Morgan (1827)Items For Masonic Lodge Bulletins - G Goodwin & F Russel (1922)Jewels Of Masonic Oratory - L S Myler (1900)Key To The First Chart Of The Masonic Mirror - H Parmele (1825)Knights Of Malta 1523-1798 - R Cohen (1920)Knights Templars' Tactics & Drill For The Use Of Commanderies, & The Burial Service Of The Orders Of Masonic Knighthood - O Welch (1876)Landmarks In The History Of The Legends Of Freemasonry - E H Dring (1907)Lectures Of A Chapter Senate & Council - J Yarker (1882)Legal Episodes In The History Of Freemasonry - W J Chetwode Crawley (1899)Letters & Addresses On Freemasonry - J Quincy Adams (1875)Letters On Masonry & Anti Masonry Addressed To The Hon. John Quincy Adams - W L Stone (1832)Lodge Plan Of Masonic Education - Grand Lodge Of Alberta (190_)Malta & The Knights Hospitallers - W K R Bedford (1905)Masonic Bibliographies & Catalogues In The English Language - S H Shepard (1920)Masonic Biography & Dictionary - A Row (1868)Masonic Code Of The Grand Lodge Utah (1879)Masonic Initiation - W L Wilmshurst (1922)Masonic Melodies - T Power (1844)Masonic Obligations - W Colton (1826)Masonic Odes & Poems - R Morris (1864)Masonic Origines - A Pike (1887)Masonic Sketches & Reprints - W J Hughan (1871)Masonic Tracing Boards - E A T Breed (1904)Masonic Veteran Associations - W J Hughan (1897)Military Lodges. The Apron & The Sword; Or, Freemasonry Under Arms - R F Gould (1899)Monograph Of Union 'mark' Lodge, No.1, Claremont, New Hampshire - C B Spofford (1891)Morals & Dogma Of The Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite Of Freemasonry - A Pike (1878)Mormonism & Masonry; A Utah Point Of View - S H Goodwin (1921)Mysteries Of Religion & Science - Valerius (1857)Mystic Masonry, Or, The Symbols Of Freemasonry & Greater Mysteries Of Antiquity - J D Buck (1911)Negro Masonry; A Comittee Report - W H Upton (1897)Notes On The Early History Of Freemasonry In Michigan - Ag Pitts (19__)Offices Of A Lodge Of Sorrow & Ring Service Of The Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite Of Freemasonry - Supreme Council For The USA (188_)Offices Of Constitution & Inauguration Of A Council Of Knights Kadosh, & Installation Of Its Officers, As Used In The Southern Jurisdiction Of The Us (1870)Official Souvenier 27th Triennial Conclave, Pittsburgh (1898)On The Ancient & Primitive Rite Of Masonry - J How (18__)On The Relationship Between Masonry & Christianity - F C Ewer (1862)One Hundred Years Of Aurora Grata 1808-1908 - C A Brockaway (1908)Opening & Retiring March For Officers, O. E. S. - C M Spellman (1917)Ordo Rr Et Ac - A E Waite (1915)Our Ritual Origin Of Freemasonry - E Schultz (1912) Philosophical History Of Free-Masonry & Other Secret Societies - A C L Arnold (1854) Proceedings Of The Right Worshipful Grand Lodge Of The Most Ancient & Honorable Fraternity Of F.&a.M. Of Pennsylvania (1902) Proofs Of A Conspiracy - J Robison (1798) Readings Xxxii - Scottish Rite Masonic Order (189_)Reflected Rays Of Light Upon Freemasonry, Or, The Freemason's Pocket Compendium - W Garey (1874)Remarks On Some Masonic Book Plates In America & Their Owners Volume 2 - A Winthrop Pope (1911)Remarks On The Status Of Membership In Masonry In N.J. - J B Perry (1879)Report For The Fifth Masonic District Of New Hampshire - A S Batchellor (1886)Revised Freemasonry Illustrated; A Complete Exposition Of The First Three Masonic Degrees - J O Doesburg (1922)Richardson's Monitor Of Freemasonry - J Richardson (18__)Ritual Of The Order Eastern Star (1921)Robert Burns & Freemasonry - D Wright (1921)Ronayne's Hand-Book Of Freemasonry - E Ronayne (1917)Royal Freemasons - G W Speth (1885)Rudyard Kipling & Freemasonry - S Thompson (19__)Sacred Mysteries Among The Mayas & Quiches; Freemasonry In Times Anterior To The Temple Of Solomon- A Le Plongeon (1909)Secret High Degree Rituals Of The Masonic Rite Memphis - J Yarker (1922)Secret Sects Of Syria & The Lebanon - B H Springett (1922)Semi-Centennial Exercises Of Melita Lodge, No. 295, F. And A.M., Jurisdiction Of Pennsylvania (1906)Sermons & Addresses On Secret Societies - L Armstrong (1882)Sketch Of Capitular Masonry In Illinois From Its Introduction Until The Year 1899 - G W Warvelle (1900)Social Science & Freemasonry - E Blitz (1896)Some Deeper Aspects Of Masonic Symbolism - A E Waite (1916)Some Of The Beauties Of Freemasonry - J Bradley (1816)Some Reminiscences Of A Charter Member - G L Story (1910)Souvenir Programme Fifty-Seventh Annual Conclave Of The Grand Commandery Knights Templar Of Pennsylvania (1910)Speculative Masonry Its Mission, Its Evolution & Its Landmarks - A S Macbride (1914)Standard Ahimon Rezon & Blue Lodge Guide - M ReddingSymbolism Of The Three Degrees Volume 1 - O. D. Street (1922)Symbolism Of The Three Degrees Volume 2 - O. D. Street (1922)Symbolism Of The Three Degrees Volume 3 - O. D. Street (1922)Tactics & Manual For Knights Templars - H B Grant (1882)Tales Poems & Masonic Papers - E Holmes (1877)The Accepted Ceremonies Of Craft Freemasonry - A E Mason (1880)The Albury Ms - The Amalgamated Guild Of Freemasons (1875)The Alnwick Manuscript, No. E10; Reproduction & Transcript - W J Hughan (1895)The Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite Of Freemasonry - W Homan (1905)The Arcana Of Freemasonry - A Churchward (1915)The Arcane Schools - J Yarker (1909)The Bible, The Great Source Of Masonic Secrets & Observances - G Oliver (1834)The Book Of The Lodge Or Officers' Manual - G Oliver (1849)The Book Of The Words - A Pike (1874)The Builders A Story And Study Of Masonry - J F Newton (1916)The Centenial 100th Anniversary Of The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge Of Connecticut - J K Wheeler (1889)The Ceremony Of Initiation - W L Wilmshurst (19__)The Ceremony Of Passing - W L Wilmshurst (1933)The Concise History Of Freemasonry - R F Gould (1920)The Constitution Of The Society Of Ancient Masons In Virginia - J Henderson (1818)The Constitutions Of The Grand Lodge Of Massachusetts - W M Moore (1857)The Cooke Manuscript (c1450)The Cryptic Rite In Canada - J R Robertson (1888)The Dream Of The Ages - T E Green (1920)The Dundee Manuscript (1755)The Duty Of The Master In The Government Of A Masonic Lodge - J Fitzhenry Townsend (1857)The Entered Apprentice's Handbook - J S M Ward (19__)The Evil Eye, Thanatology & Other Essays - R Park (1912)The Exoteric Duties Of Free Masons; An Address Delivered Before Trenton Lodge, No. 5, A.F.A.M. - T J Corson (1859)The Fellowcraft's Handbook - J S M Ward (19__)The Four Old Lodges Founders Of Modern Freemasonry & Their Descendants - R Gould (1879)The Freemason Examin'd - A Slade (18__)The Freemasons What They Are, What They Do, What They Are Aiming At - L Gaston De Segur (1869)The Freemasons Hymnal - W Malmene (1875)The Freemasons Manual Or Illustrations Of Masonry - J How (1862)The Freemason's Monitor; Or, Illustrations Of Masonry In Two Parts - T Webb (1808)The Freemason's Treasury, 52 Short Lectures On The Theory And Practice Of Symbolic Masonry - G Oliver (1863)The General Ahiman Rezon & Freemason's Guide - D Sickels (1867)The Genius Of Freemasonry & The 20th Century Crusade - J D Buck (1907)The Genius Of Masonry Or A Defence Of The Order - S L Knap (1828)The Gnostics & Their Remains - C W King (1887)The Great Light Of Masonry - B Allen (1828)The Hand-Book Of The Chapter - T S Caswell (1878)The Hidden Life In Freemasonry - C. W. Leadbeater (19__)The Higher Degrees' Handbook - J S M Ward (19__)The Hiramic Legend & The Ashmolean Theory - W Hextall (1904)The History Of Brother General Lafayette's Fraternal Connections With The R.W. Grand Lodge, F. & A.M. Of Pennsylvania - J F Sachse (1916)The History Of Freemasonry; Its Antiquities, Symbols, Constitutions, Customs, Etc Volume 1 - R F Gould (1882)The History Of Freemasonry; Its Antiquities, Symbols, Constitutions, Customs, Etc Volume 2 - R F Gould (1883)The History Of Freemasonry; Its Antiquities, Symbols, Constitutions, Customs, Etc Volume 3 - R F Gould (1884)The History Of Freemasonry; Its Antiquities, Symbols, Constitutions, Customs, Etc Volume 4 - R F Gould (1885)The History Of Freemasonry; Its Antiquities, Symbols, Constitutions, Customs, Etc Volume 5 - R F Gould (1886)The History Of Freemasonry; Its Antiquities, Symbols, Constitutions, Customs, Etc Volume 6 - R F Gould (1882)The History Of Initiation In Twelve Lectures - G Oliver (1855)The Holy Order Of The Grand High Priest (1879)The Illustrious Order Of Hospitalers & Knights Of St. John Of Jerusalem - J Corson Smith (1894)The Irish Prince & The Hebrew Prophet - L Fail (1896)The Johannite Masons & The Star In The East - G Oliver (1847)The Kabbalah Unveiled - S L Macgregor Mathers (1887)The Knights Of The Cross - Mrs Agar (1858)The Law Of Fraternaties & Societies - J Hirschl (1883)The Lectures Of The Three Degrees In Craft Masonry - A Lewis (1874)The Lost Keys Of Masonry; The Legend Of Hiram Abiff - Manly P Hall (1923)The Martyrdom Of Jacques De Molay, The Last Grand Master Of The Antique Order Of Knights Templars - G W Snow (1885)The Masonic Concordia; A Collection Of Odes For The Various Ceremonies & Festivals Of The Masonic Fraternity - G S Ilsley (1906)The Masonic Harp - S Downs (1858)The Masonic Ladder - J Sherer (1876)The Masonic Manual - R Macoy (1867)The Masonic Manual Or, Lectures On Freemasonry - J Ashe (1855)The Masonic Order Of Chivalry Known As The Knights Templar (1812)The Masonic Trestle Board - C Moore & W Carnegy (1846)The Masonic Vocal Manual - R Macoy (1850)The Masons As Makers Of America - M C Peters (1921)The Master Mason's Handbook - F J W Crowe (1890)The Master Masons Handbook - J S M Ward (19__)The Master Workman Or True Masonic Guide - H C Atwood (1850)The Meaning Of Masonry - A Pike (1858)The Meaning Of Masonry - W.L. Wilmshurst (1913)The Ministry Of Masonry - J F Newton (1913)The Mission Of Masonry - J F Newton (1912)The Mysteries Of Freemasonry - J Fellows (1860)The Mysteries Of Freemasonry Containing All The Degrees Of The Order Conferred In A Master's Lodge - W Morgan (1826)The Mystic Chord A Collection Of Masonic Odes & Melodies - C Mabie (1897)The Mysticism Of Masonry - R. Swinburne Clymer (19__)The New Masonic Music Manual - W Janes (1898)The Official Monitor Of The Grand Lodge Of Texas (1921)The Old Masonic Lodge Of Falkirk, Now Known As Lodge St. John, No. 16 - T Johnston (1887)The Origin Of Freemasonry - R Longfield (1857)The Origin Of Freemasonry The 1717 Theory Exploded - C Paton (1871)The Origin Of Masonic Ritual & Tradition - W Rowbottom (1880)The Origin Of The Royal Arch Order Of Masonry - G Oliver (1867)The Perfect Ceremonies Of Craft Masonry (1871)The Perfect Ceremonies Of The Masonic Knights Templar (1876)The Principles Of Masonic Law - A G Mackey (1859)The Quatuor Coronati Lodge No. 2076 - R L Baxter (1918)The Regius Manuscript; A Poem Of Moral Duties (1390)The Revelations Of A Square - G Oliver (1855)The Rise & Progress Of Freemasonry In Illinois - E Turnbull (19__)The Rise & Purposes Of Speculative Masonry; Being An Address Delivered To The Brethren Of The Zetland Lodge, No. 525, Hong-Kong - H Murray (1869)The Ritual Of The Commandery - Knights Of Malta (1878)The Ritual Of The Operative Freemasons - T Carr (1911)The Romance Of Freemasonry - J F Newton (191_)The Roots Of Ritualism In Church & Masonry - H P Blavatsky (18__)The Round Towers Of Ireland - H O'Brien (1834)The Royal Order Of Scotland - C Blackledge (1844)The Scottish Rite & The Cerneau Wrong - W Homan (1907)The Secret Societies Of All Ages & Countries Volume 1 - C Heckethorn (1875)The Secret Societies Of All Ages & Countries Volume 2 - C Heckethorn (1875)The Secret Teachings Of All Ages - Manly P Hall (1928)The Secret Tradition In Freemasonry Volume I - A E Waite (1911)The Secret Tradition In Freemasonry Volume II - A E Waite (1911)The Signet Of King Solomon; Or The Freemasons Daughter - C Arnold (1868)The Spirit Of Masonry - J F Newton (191_)The Stability Of Freemasonry - F Ewer (1854)The Star In The East - G Oliver (1825)The State Of Rhode Island; Report To Investigate The Charges In Circulation Against Freemasonry (1832)The Statutes & Regulations, Institutes, Laws & Grand Constitutions Of The Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite - A Pike (1859)The Story Of Freemasonry - W G Sibley (1913)The Story Of The Right Worshipful Joseph Montfort - H W Gowan (1907)The Story Of The Royal Arch - W Harvey (1919)The Symbol Of Glory - G Oliver (1870)The Symbolism Of Freemasonry - A G Mackey (1869)The Templar Orders In Freemasonry - A E Waite (1927)The Text Book Of Freemasonry (1870)The Textbook Of Cryptic Masonry - J H Chase (1870)The Theocratic Philosophy Of Freemasonry - G Oliver (1856)The Tradition Of The Old York T I Lodge - Bro C J Scott (1911)The True Ahiman Rezon, Or, A Help To All That Are Or Would Be Free & Accepted Masons - L Dermott (1805)The True Masonic Chart Or Hyroglyphic Monitor - J Cross (1851)The True Principles & Precepts Of Freemasonry - C Martyn (1878)The Virginia Text Book; Containing A History Of Masonic Grand Lodges & The Constitution Of Masonry, Or Ahiman Rezon - J Dove (1866)Traditions Of Freemasonry & Its Coincidences With The Ancient Mysteries - A T C Piersen (1870)Transactions Of The Grand Council Of Royal & Select Masters Of The State Of California (1888)Travelling Craftsmen - E Elliston (1922)Various Rituals Of Freemasonry From The 10th C.- G Oliver (1863)Victor Roy A Masonic Poem - H A Wilkins (1882)Washington & His Masonic Compeers - S Hayden (1866)Washington The Great American Mason - J J Lanier (1922)Washington, An Exemplification Of The Principles Of Free Masonry - S H Tyng (1852)Washington's Masonic Correspondence - J F Sachse (1915)What Is Free-Masonry - N F De Clifford (1915)Which Is The Oldest Commandery Of Knights Templar In The US; A Paper Read Before Maryland Commandery, No. 1, Masonic Knights Templar - E T Schultz (1890)Within The Temple Of Isis - B Wagner (1899)World's Masonic Register - L Hyneman (1860) ALSO INCLUDED ON THE DISC:MASONIC PERIODICALS COLLECTIONBooks pictured for illustration only. NO PHYSICAL BOOKS ARE SUPPLIED. A rare collection of 126 vintage, Masonic periodical issues . 100's of interesting articles running to 1000's of pages of reading. Includes the following: The Builder Magazine - 1915-1922 The complete text (plain, no illustrations) of the first seven years of J F Newtons classic Masonic magazine Each issue approx 130-200 pages in pdf . 95 issues in total The Ashlar Vol I Sep 1855-Aug 1856 ~ Vol II Sep 1856-Aug 1857 The Freemasons Magazine & Masonic Mirror Jun-Dec 1859 The Freemasons' Magazine Vol II Jan-Jun 1794 ~ Vol IV Jan-Jun 1795 Vol VI Jan-Jun 1796 The Freemasons Monthly Magazine Vol III 1844 ~ Vol IV 1845 ~ Vol VI 1847 ~ Vol XII 1853 Vol XIII 1854 ~ Vol XXI 1862 ~ Vol XXII 1862-63 Vol XXIV 1864-65 ~ Vol XXV 1865-66 ~ Vol XXXI 1871-72 Vol XXXII 1873 The Freemasons' Quarterly Magazine 1853 ~ 1854 The Freemasons Quarterly Review 1842 ~ 1845 ~ 1847 ~ 1848 The Masonic Monthly Jul-Dec 1882 The Michigan Freemason Vol I 1870 ~ Vol II 1871 Vol III 1872 ~ Vol VII 1876 The New Age Magazine Jan-Dec 1917 The New England Freemason Vol I Jan Dec 1874 ~ Vol II Jan Dec 1875 +PLUS+Also Included on your DVD 'MASONIC IMAGES' A unique collection of 251 vintage, Masonic images - varied and interesting subjects including, for example, eminent masons from history, the symbolism of Freemasonry, medals and regalia, masonic architecture and much more. These images have mostly been extracted from the original book scans in this collection - they are of large size with a resolution of 300 dpi. Examples: ~ABOUT THE DVD~ WHAT WILL I RECEIVE?You will receive 1 data DVD disc (DVD-Rom) which looks exactly as shown below:This disc contains ELECTRONIC BOOKS. You will receive 1 x standard data DVD-R disc (DVD-Rom) containing 464 e-books as stated above + 251 JPEG images. The books are in pdf format which means that you will need to have Adobe Reader installed on your computer to read them. If you don't have this, you can download it FREE from the Adobe website. If you don't understand this, please contact me prior to purchase.This is a data DVD for computer use (requires DVD-Rom or DVD-RW drive). It WILL NOT WORK in a CD-Rom drive or the DVD player connected to your TV.***MAC USERS*** This disc has an auto-run menu feature which may be incompatible with Mac computers. 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Disc is supplied in plastic wallet with printed insert. NO SOFTWARE BOX IS SUPPLIEDNOTE TO EBAY STAFF: No copyrights are infringed in this CD/DVD Rom product. All material contained on the discs as described above is in the public domain and free from copyright.

Price: 7.77 GBP

Location: Manchester, Greater Manchester

End Time: 2023-09-28T11:27:31.000Z

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FREEMASONRY Vintage Book Collection, 450+ Books +  Vintage Masonic Image GalleryFREEMASONRY Vintage Book Collection, 450+ Books +  Vintage Masonic Image GalleryFREEMASONRY Vintage Book Collection, 450+ Books +  Vintage Masonic Image GalleryFREEMASONRY Vintage Book Collection, 450+ Books +  Vintage Masonic Image Gallery

Item Specifics

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Non-Fiction Subject: Freemasonry, Freemasons, Masonic Books

Binding: DVD-Rom

Original/Reproduction: Reproduction

Sub-Subject: Knights Templar, Masonic History, Freemasonry

Subject 2: Occult, Fraternal Organisations

Format: DVD

Original/Facsimile: Facsimile

Subject: Masonic Vintage Books, Freemasonry

Language: English


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