
Certified Organic Essential Oil 10 ML 100% Pure Natural Therapeutic by Plantasia

Description: Buy 3 and Get 1 Free (Add 4 to Cart*) (* When you add fourth one to the cart, eBay will deduct the price of the least expensive one from all to make the total eventually be same as one free.) Certified Organic Essential Oils : 10 ML (.34 FL OZ) by Plantasia 100% Pure and Natural Therapeutic Grade Quality Frankincense Certified Organic from India Botanical Name Boswellia Serrata Main Constituents: a-Thujene 60.2% Plant Part Resin Origin India Processing Method Steam Distilled Color & Consistency A thin, colorless to pale yellow liquid. Aromatic Summary A base note with a medium aroma, the oil has a warm and spicy, woody odor that is haunting Blends With Basil, Bergamot, Cardamom, Cedarwood, Chamomile, Cinnamon Bark, Clary Sage, Coriander, Geranium, Ginger, Myrrh and Vanilla.   Products Abstract and Benefits: Frankincense, sometimes referred to as olibanum, can offer a variety of potential health benefits, including helping to relieve chronic stress and anxiety, reduce pain and inflammation, boost immunity and even potentially helping to fight cancer. Frankincense originates from a small scraggly but hardy tree indigenous to the Middle East. Frankincense has been associated with many different religions over the years, especially the Christian religion, as it was one of the first gifts given to Jesus by the wise men. (Mathew 2:11) It is used as incense, and has been traded for 5,000 years. Widely used in ancient Egypt, it was one of the ingredients used in the holy oil described in the Talmud. Frankincense was brought back to Europe by Frankish Crusaders (Frank-incense), and the oil is still highly prized today in the perfumery industry, and widely used in the manufacturing of skin-care products.   Here are just eight benefits of this potent therapeutic and Ayurvedic oil:   1 Helps To Relief Stress 2 Natural Household Cleaner 3 Natural Hygiene Product 4 Helps To Fight Wrinkle 5 Helps To Relieve Symptoms of Indigestion 6 Helps With Scar, Wound, Stretch Mark or Acne 7 Helps To Fight Natural Cold or Flu 8 Helps To Relieve Inflammation and Pain       Tea Tree Certified Organic from Australia   Botanical Name Melaleuca Alternifolia Main Constituents: Terpinen-4-ol 40.4% Plant Part Leaves Origin Australia Processing Method Steam Distilled Color & Consistency A thin, clear, pale yellow liquid. Aromatic Summary A middle note with a medium aroma, Tee Tree has a fresh, slightly medicinal scent with characteristic woody, camphoraceous notes.   Product Abstract and Benefits: The Tea Tree can grow up to 20 feet (7 meters) in height. The aboriginal people of Australia have long used Tea tree Oil. Tea tree, also known as melaleuca, is well-known for its powerful antiseptic properties and ability to treat wounds. Tea tree oil, the volatile essential oil derived mainly from the Australian native plant Melaleuca alternifolia has been widely used throughout Australia for at least the past 100 years. And for over seven decades, it’s been documented in numerous medical studies to kill many strains of bacteria, viruses and fungi. Tea tree oil uses are numerous: making homemade cleaning products, diffusing it in the air to kill mold, applying it topically to heal skin issues and taking it internally to treat viral infections. It’s becoming an increasingly popular active ingredient in a variety of household and cosmetic products, including face wash, shampoos, massage oils, skin and nail creams and laundry detergents. Tea tree’s natural antiseptic and anti-inflammatory actions make it an essential oil that should truly be part of everyone’s natural medicine cabinet. Here are just eight benefits of this potent therapeutic and Ayurvedic oil: 1 Helps To Provide Antibacterial Effects 2 Helps To Boost Health 3 Helps To Heal Wounds Quickly 4 Helps To Provide Antimicrobial Effects 5 Helps Like Expectorant 6 Helps Like A Sudorific Substance 7 Helps Like A Stimulant 8 Helps To Minimize Pain         Eucalyptus Blue Mallee Certified Organic from Australia   Botanical Name Eucalyptus Polybractea Main Constituents: 1,8-Cineole a-Pinene b-Pinene   87.40% 1.7% 1.00% Plant Part Woods and Leaves Origin Australia Processing Method Steam Distilled Color & Consistency A thin, clear, colorless to pale yellow liquid. Aromatic Summary A top note with a strong aroma, Eucalyptus Blue Mallee has a fresh, camphoraceous aroma. Blends With Basil, Cajeput, Cedarwood, Citronella, Ginger, Lavender, Lemon, Myrtle, Frankincense, Spearmint and Tea Tree. Product Abstract and Benefits: The Blue Mallee, or Blue-Leaved Mallee, is a deeply rooted perennial tree in the Mallee regions of Victoria and NSW. The bark is smooth and fibrous near the trunk base. Leaves are disjunct and linear to narrow-lanceolate. Juvenile leaves are glaucous and adult leaves gray-green Eucalyptus leaves are the favorite food of Koalas, and have been used as traditional medicine by the aboriginal peoples of Australia. Eucalyptus Essential Oil boasts a long list of traditional uses. Aboriginal Australians used Eucalyptus to heal wounds, cure fungal infections, and as a fever reducer. Chinese, Greek, European, and Ayurvedic medicine later adopted Eucalyptus as a disinfectant and expectorant. Here are just ten benefits of this potent therapeutic and Ayurvedic oil: 1 Helps to decongest sinus 2 Helps to control coughing 3 Helps to relieve joint & muscle pain 4 Helps to soothe sore throat 5 Disinfecting cleanser 6 Helps in dental anti-microbial 7 Helps to stimulate immunity 8 Helps to relieve asthma 9 Helps to repel insect 10 Helps in aroma-therapy       Cinnamon Certified Organic from Sri Lanka Botanical Name Cinnamomum Zeylanicum Main Constituents: Eugenol   77.15% Plant Part Leaves Origin Sri Lanka Processing Method Steam Distilled Color & Consistency A brownish yellow to dark liquid with a medium consistency. Aromatic Summary A middle note of medium aroma, it has a warm, spicy scent between that of clove and cinnamon, but with herbaceous notes that are not sweet. Blends With Clove Bud, Lavender, Cedarwood, Orange, Lemon, Neroli, Ylang-ylang, Rosemary and Thyme. Product Abstract and Benefits: Cinnamomum zeylanicum originates from Sri Lanka. It is a tropical evergreen tree of the laurel family growing up to 45 feet (15 m) in the wild. Its pleasant scent has lead it to be a perfect addition to creams, lotions and soaps. Now, the shrub is grown in almost every tropical region of the world. The spice, owing to its vast medicinal uses, has found a prominent position in traditional medicines, especially in Ayurveda, which is the traditional Indian medicinal system. Traditionally, cinnamon has been used in many cultures for treating a variety of health disorders including diarrhea, arthritis, menstrual cramps, heavy menstruation, yeast infections, colds, flu, and digestive problems. Here are just ten benefits of this potent therapeutic and Ayurvedic oil: 1 Helps to dilate blood vessels 2 Helps to enhance nitric oxide function 3 Helps to decrease inflammation 4 Helps to increase circulation 5 Helps to fight viruses 6 Helps to fight free radicals 7 Helps to relieve depression 8 Helps to stimulate the immune system 9 Helps to stimulate libido 10 Helps to fight parasites       Black Pepper Certified Organic from Sri Lanka Botanical Name Piper Nigrum Main Constituents: a-Pinene Limonene b-Caryophyllene 15.9% 15.8% 15.8% Plant Part Dried Berries Origin Sri Lanka Processing Method Steam Distilled Color & Consistency A thin, colorless to greenish liquid. Aromatic Summary A middle note with a medium aroma, Black Pepper Essential Oil has a sharp, spicy scent faintly reminiscent of Clove. Blends With Bergamot, Clary Sage, Clove Bud, Coriander, Fennel, Frankincense, Geranium, Ginger, Grapefruit, Lavender, Juniper, Lemon, Lime, Mandarin, Sandalwood and Ylang-ylang. Product Abstract and Benefits: This climbing woody vine uses trees or other supports to grow to about twenty feet high, but is normally kept to about 12 feet for commercial purposes and has a lifespan of about twenty years. The word 'pepper' is derived from the Latin word piper, which was taken from the Sanskrit word pippali. It has been by the Greeks and Romans. The Turks levied a tax on pepper, while during the Middle Ages the Dutch, the French and the Portuguese often went to war to fight over this lucrative trade with the Far East. Here are just seven benefits of this potent therapeutic and Ayurvedic oil: 1 Helps to Relieve Aches and Pains 2 Helps in Aiding Digestion 3 Helps to Lower Cholesterol 4 Helps as Having Antiviral Properties 5 Helps to Encourage Circulation 6 Helps as Exhibiting Anti-C. Activity 7 Helps to Ease Feelings of Anxiety & Cigarette Cravings 8 Helps to Detoxify the Body 9 Helps to Stimulate Appetite 10 Helps as Food Preservative         Peppermint Japanese Certified Organic from India   Botanical Name Mentha Arvensis Main Constituents: l-menthol   74.51% Plant Part Herb Origin India Processing Method Steam Distilled Color & Consistency A thin, colorless pale yellow liquid. Aromatic Summary A top note with a strong aroma, it has a sharp, penetrating scent based on its high menthol content with the minty sweetness of the vapor. Blends With Basil, Bergamot, Cajeput, Cedarwood, Eucalyptus, Lemon, Lime, Mandarin, Marjoram, Niaouli, Pine, Rosemary, Spearmint and Thyme. Product Abstract and Benefits: It is one of the oldest documented medicinal herbs. Peppermint Japanese is known for its high menthol content, and menthol crystals sometimes form right on the leaves. Peppermint is a cross between watermint and spearmint and is native to Europe. Historically, the herb has been known for its medicinal uses, and its impressively long history often gives it the prestigious title as the world’s oldest medicine. Peppermint is also used as a flavoring agent in the food industry, and in soaps, candles and toiletries. Here are just thirteen benefits of this potent therapeutic and Ayurvedic oil: 1 Helps to nourish dull skin & improve texture of oily skin 2 Helps to reduce risk of herpes infection 3 Helps to eliminate nausea & headache 4 Helps to treat urinary tract infections 5 Helps to relieve abdominal colic pain 6 Helps to increase immunity 7 Helps to clear respiratory tract 8 Helps to stimulate mental activity 9 Helps to increase blood circulation 10 Helps to promote healthy hair growth 11 Helps to provide relief from pain 12 Helps to reduce fungal nail infection 13 Helps to eliminate bad breath & keep teeth & gums healthy         Rosemary Certified Organic from Spain Botanical Name Rosmarinus Officinalis Main Constituents: 1,8-Cineole   15.7% Plant Part Herb Origin Spain Processing Method Steam Distilled Color & Consistency A thin, clear, colorless to pale yellow liquid. Aromatic Summary A top note with a strong aroma, Rosemary has a fresh, strong, woody and herbal scent. Blends With Basil, Bergamot, Cedarwood, Frankincense, Ginger, Lemon, Orange and Peppermint.   Product Abstract and Benefits: The health benefits of rosemary essential oil made it a favorite of Paracelsus, a renowned German-Swiss physician and botanist, who made significant contributions to the understanding of herbal medicine during the 16th century. Paracelsus valued rosemary oil due because of its ability to strengthen the entire body. He correctly believed that rosemary oil had the ability to heal delicate organs such as the liver, brain, and heart. Here are just eight benefits of this potent therapeutic and Ayurvedic oil: 1 Helps to make hair grow longer and stronger 2 Helps to reduce symptoms of Herpes virus 3 Helps to relieve from respiratory infections 4 Helps to digest 5 Helps to remove bad breath 6 Helps to tone skin and remove dryness 7 Helps to strengthen immune system 8 Helps to stimulate blood circulation           Lavender Certified Organic from Bulgaria Botanical Name Lavandula Angustifolia Main Constituents: Linalool Linalyl Acetate Camphor 30.84% 30.65% 0.19% Plant Part Flowers Origin Bulgaria Processing Method Steam Distilled Color & Consistency A thin, clear, colorless to pale yellow liquid. Aromatic Summary A top note of strong aroma, Lavender Bulgarian has a rich floral scent that is somewhat fruitier, mellower and less camphoraceous than Lavender 40/42, and smells more like fresh lavender. Product Abstract and Benefits: The Lavender plant is a woody evergreen shrub, up to 4 feet (1 meter) tall, with pale green, narrow linear leaves and violet blue flowers. Lavender has been used since ancient times, and the Romans added lavender to their bath water, hence the name from the Latin lavare, 'to wash'. The ancient Egyptians used it for mummification and as a perfume. Quite possibly the most famous usage of all, that Mary used it to anoint Jesus with her hair and some scholars believe spikenard was made from lavender essential oil. (John 12:3) Differences in soil, altitude and temperature, precipitation and seasons contribute to subtle changes in the scent from one lot of Lavender to another. Here are just seven benefits of this potent therapeutic and Ayurvedic oil: 1 Helps to reduce anxiety and emotional stress 2 Helps to heal burns and wounds 3 Helps to improve sleep 4 Helps to restore skin complexion and reduces acne 5 Helps to lower aging with powerful antioxidants 6 Helps to improve eczema and psoriasis 7 Helps to alleviate headaches         Eucalyptus Lemon Certified Organic from India Botanical Name Eucalyptus Citriadora Main Constituents: Citronellal   86.3% Plant Part Leaves and Twigs Origin India Processing Method Steam Distilled Color & Consistency A thin, clear, colorless to pale yellow liquid. Aromatic Summary A middle note with a medium aroma, Organic Lemon Eucalyptus Essential Oil has a camphoraceous scent with sweet, citronella notes. Blends With Basil, Cajeput, Cedarwood, Citronella, Ginger, Lavender, Lemon, Myrtle, Frankincense, Spearmint and Tea Tree. Product Abstract and Benefits: The Eucalyptus tree is a tall evergreen that can grow over 250 feet (76 meter) tall. Eucalyptus leaves are the favorite food of Koalas, and have been used as traditional medicine by the aboriginal peoples of Australia. Eucalyptus Essential Oil boasts a long list of traditional uses. Aboriginal Australians used Eucalyptus to heal wounds, cure fungal infections, and as a fever reducer. Chinese, Greek, European, and Ayurvedic medicine later adopted Eucalyptus as a disinfectant and expectorant. Here are just ten benefits of this potent therapeutic and Ayurvedic oil: 1 Helps to decongest sinus 2 Helps to control coughing 3 Helps to relieve joint & muscle pain 4 Helps to soothe sore throat 5 Disinfecting cleanser 6 Helps in dental anti-microbial 7 Helps to stimulate immunity 8 Helps to relieve asthma 9 Helps to repel insect 10 Helps in aroma-therapy           Geranium Certified Organic from Egypt Botanical Name Pelargonium X Asperum Main Constituents: Citronellol Geraniol   25 - 36% 10 - 18% Plant Part Leaves & Flowers Origin Egypt Processing Method Steam Distilled Color & Consistency A thin, pale yellow to greenish yellow liquid. Aromatic Summary A middle note with a strong aroma, this Geranium has a scent that is both sweet and herbaceous, carrying some subtle notes similar to Rose. Blends With Basil, Bergamot, Citronella, Clary Sage, Fennel, Grapefruit, Jasmine, Juniper, Lavender, Lemon, Lemongrass, Neroli and Nutmeg. Product Description & Benefits: The Geranium plant is a hairy perennial shrub, often used in hedgerows, and will stand up to about 3 feet (1 meter) high with pointed leaves, serrated at the edges and with flowers that range from red to a pinkish white. Originated in South Africa, Madagascar, Egypt and Morocco, it was introduced to European countries in the 17th century. The petals are used in gourmet jellies and confections, and the oil is commonly used as an element in aromatherapy for its many health benefits, since the ancient Egypt. Here are just fifteen benefits of this potent therapeutic and Ayurvedic oil: 1 Helps to Reduce Wrinkle 2 Helps to Tone Muscle 3 Helps to Fight Infection 4 Helps to Do Healing 5 Helps to Induce Blood Clot 6 Helps to Support Cell Growth 7 Helps to Increase Urination 8 Helps as Natural Deodorant 9 Helps to Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia 10 Helps as Skin Enhancer 11 Helps to Kill Respiratory Infection 12 Helps as Nerve Painkiller 13 Helps to Improve Mental Functioning 14 Helps as Anti-Inflammatory Agent 15 Helps as Insect Repellant and Bug Bite Healer            Clove Bud Certified Organic from Sri Lanka Botanical Name Syzygium Aromaticum Main Constituents: Eugenol: Eugenyl acetate: 78.9% 13.6% Plant Part Buds Origin Sri Lanka Processing Method Steam Distilled Color & Consistency A clear pale yellow to yellow liquid of medium consistency. Description & Benefits: The bud of this evergreen, indigenous to Southeast Asia, has a long history as an effective agent for minor pains and aches, particularly dental pain because of its numerous effects on oral tissues. It is widely used in contemporary Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine. The oil extracted from the dried buds is rich in many volatile compounds that give the spice its strong aroma and flavor. Clove is at the top of antioxidant food list with an ORAC value of 290,283 units, but clove is a spice, to be used in small amounts to flavor food. It relieves gastrointestinal problems and aids digestion. Its anesthetic action makes it a favorite herbal remedy for all types of aches and pains. Here are just seventeen benefits of this potent therapeutic and Ayurvedic oil: 1 Toothache remedy 2 Soothes inflammation of the mouth and throat 3 Breath freshener 4 For nausea and vomiting 5 Improves digestion 6 Relieves flatulence 7 Protection from bloodsucking insects 8 Prevents food poisoning 9 Fungal infections 10 Controls acne 11 Combats fatigue 12 Increases sexual performance 13 Relieves headache 14 Relieves respiratory problems 15 Pain reliever for rheumatic joints and sports injuries 16 Relieves earaches 17 Excellent pesticide and herbicide             Juniper Berry Certified Organic from Bulgaria Botanical Name Juniperus Communis L. Main Constituents: a-Pinene   39.86% Plant Part Berries Origin Bulgaria Processing Method Steam Distilled Color & Consistency A thin, colorless to pale yellow liquid. Aromatic Summary A middle note with a medium aroma, Juniper Berry has a fresh, rich, balsamic scent reminiscent of pine needles. Blends With Clary Sage, Sandalwood, Bergamot, Geranium, Marjoram, Rosemary, Chamomile and Eucalyptus. Product Abstract and Benefits: Juniper is a coniferous evergreen shrub that belongs to the pine family (Cupressaceae) and the juniper tree can be identified by its stiff and needle-like blue-green leaves, short reddish-brown trunks, small yellow flowers and blue or black fruits or berries (produced by the female trees). Both the branches and the berries of the leaves have been used since ancient times for medicinal and spiritual purposes. Juniper essential oil is traditionally steam-distilled from the needles, twigs, wood and berries. However, juniper berry oil, which is extracted solely from the berries, is superior in quality. It's a pale oil with a watery viscosity and a fresh, clear and slightly woody and fruity fragrance. Here are just 13 benefits of this potent therapeutic and Ayurvedic oil: 1 Helps to fight throat and respiratory infections 2 Helps with insomnia 3 Helps to combat fatigue 4 Helps in digestion 5 Helps to increase circulation 6 Helps to soothe muscle aches 7 Helps to heal skin conditions 8 Helps to treat arthritis 9 Helps to increase urine elimination 10 Helps to soothe flare-ups 11 Helps to detoxify the body 12 Helps to boost immune system 13 Helps with antiseptic properties           Spikenard Certified Organic from Nepal   Botanical Name Nardostachys Grandiflora Jatamansi Main Constituents: α-Pinene b-Pinene 1,8-Cineole b-Patchoulene   0.52% 1.61% 0.13% 1.50% Plant Part Root Origin Nepal Processing Method Steam Distilled Color & Consistency A thin, clear, pale yellow to green liquid. Aromatic Summary A base note with a strong aroma, it has a deep woody, slightly musky odour similar to that of Valerian. Blends With Fir Needle, Lavender, Patchouli, Pine, Vetiver and Essential Oils of spices. Product Abstract: Spikenard is an aromatic herb with a strongly pungent rhizome root. It is native to the mountainous regions of Northern India, as well as China and Japan. Spikenard was one of the early aromatics used by the ancient Egyptians and is mentioned in the Bible in Song of Solomon (1:2, 4:13-14)), and in the Book of John (12:3) where Mary used it to anoint the feet of Jesus. (Mark 14:3) It has also been used historically by wealthy Roman women in perfumes and beauty preparations. Here are just ten benefits of this potent therapeutic and Ayurvedic oil: 1 Helps to cure fungal infections 2 Helps to relieve many skin (bacterial) aliments 3 Helps to soothe nerves and minds 4 Helps to fight inflammations 5 Helps in need of natural laxatives 6 Helps to stimulate the uterus and ovaries 7 Helps in secretion of estrogen and progesterone 8 Helps to regenerate cells 9 Helps to treat allergies, fever, and hemorrhoids 10 Helps in sedating and relaxing effects           Sage Certified Organic from Spain   Botanical Name Salvia Officinalis Main Constituents: Camphor 1, 8-Cineol a- Thuyune   19.2% 13% 18% Plant Part Leaves Origin Spain Processing Method Steam Distilled Color & Consistency A thin, clear, pale yellow to greenish yellow liquid. Aromatic Summary A top note with a medium aroma, Sage Essential Oil has a herbaceous scent with strong musty notes. Product Abstract and Benefits: Sage is an evergreen perennial herb with a woody base, soft gray-green oval leaves and a mass of blue or violet flowers that can grow up to about 2 ft (60 cm) tall. The Latin word salvare means 'heal' or 'save’. The ancient Greeks and Romans believed that it imparted wisdom, thus its name; and through the Middle Ages, it continued to be used for memory loss. Here are just eight benefits of this potent therapeutic and Ayurvedic oil: 1 Aids in digestion 2 Eliminate scars 3 Slows down aging symptoms 4 Heals wounds and incisions 5 Reduces inflammation due to fever 6 Regularizes menstrual cycles 7 Provides relief from dysentery and skin diseases 8 Protects against microbial and bacterial infections   For more information, please check each Plantasia Organic Essential Oil listing or We usually ship within the same business day if the order is complete before 1 PM PST, or within the following business day. Essential oil bottle caps feature tamper evident ring for the safety of the product. The cap also has a built-in Euro dropper inserted with a 1.0 orifice, which is found useful for dispensing delicate liquids such as essential oils. The color of the cap can be either black or white. Domestic shipping is free and, for international orders, shipping charges will be calculated accordingly. We always properly package our products but accidents do happen, even if rarely. In such case, please do not hesitate to contact us first for the immediate attention by our customer service team. We accept PayPal and your prompt payment is deeply appreciated. The order is considered "complete" when the payment is accepted .

Price: 7.48 USD

Location: Los Angeles, California

End Time: 2024-08-18T20:10:08.000Z

Shipping Cost: 0 USD

Product Images

Certified Organic Essential Oil 10 ML 100% Pure Natural Therapeutic by PlantasiaCertified Organic Essential Oil 10 ML 100% Pure Natural Therapeutic by PlantasiaCertified Organic Essential Oil 10 ML 100% Pure Natural Therapeutic by PlantasiaCertified Organic Essential Oil 10 ML 100% Pure Natural Therapeutic by PlantasiaCertified Organic Essential Oil 10 ML 100% Pure Natural Therapeutic by PlantasiaCertified Organic Essential Oil 10 ML 100% Pure Natural Therapeutic by PlantasiaCertified Organic Essential Oil 10 ML 100% Pure Natural Therapeutic by PlantasiaCertified Organic Essential Oil 10 ML 100% Pure Natural Therapeutic by PlantasiaCertified Organic Essential Oil 10 ML 100% Pure Natural Therapeutic by PlantasiaCertified Organic Essential Oil 10 ML 100% Pure Natural Therapeutic by PlantasiaCertified Organic Essential Oil 10 ML 100% Pure Natural Therapeutic by PlantasiaCertified Organic Essential Oil 10 ML 100% Pure Natural Therapeutic by Plantasia

Item Specifics

Return shipping will be paid by: Seller

All returns accepted: Returns Accepted

Item must be returned within: 60 Days

Refund will be given as: Money Back

Modified Item: No

Country/Region of Manufacture: Australia

Containers: 10 ML .17 FL OZ

Custom Bundle: No

Brand: Plantasia

Non-Domestic Product: No

Organic Certification: NOP/USDA

Type: Essential Oil

Scent: Tea Tree and other

Available Variations

Color: Basil Organic (India)

Price: 8.48 USD

Available Quantity: 28

Quantity Sold: 21

Color: Eucalyptus Blue Mallee Organic (Australia)

Price: 10.98 USD

Available Quantity: 59

Quantity Sold: 53

Color: Frankincense Organic (India)

Price: 8.4 USD

Available Quantity: 141

Quantity Sold: 141

Color: Lavender Organic (Bulgaria)

Price: 14.48 USD

Available Quantity: 94

Quantity Sold: 90

Color: Lemon Organic (Italy)

Price: 8.98 USD

Available Quantity: 75

Quantity Sold: 72

Color: Orange Organic (USA)

Price: 7.48 USD

Available Quantity: 47

Quantity Sold: 44

Color: Palmarosa Organic (India)

Price: 9.98 USD

Available Quantity: 26

Quantity Sold: 26

Color: Peppermint Japanese Organic (India)

Price: 7.7 USD

Available Quantity: 82

Quantity Sold: 77

Color: Tea Tree Organic (Australia)

Price: 9.98 USD

Available Quantity: 105

Quantity Sold: 98

Color: Thyme Organic (Morocco)

Price: 10.98 USD

Available Quantity: 50

Quantity Sold: 44

Color: Wintergreen Organic (Nepal)

Price: 7.48 USD

Available Quantity: 34

Quantity Sold: 34

Color: Rosemary Organic (Spain)

Price: 8.98 USD

Available Quantity: 79

Quantity Sold: 78

Color: Lemongrass Organic (India)

Price: 8.48 USD

Available Quantity: 51

Quantity Sold: 43

Color: Spearmint Organic (India)

Price: 9.48 USD

Available Quantity: 39

Quantity Sold: 29

Color: Lime Organic (Sri Lanka)

Price: 9.48 USD

Available Quantity: 26

Quantity Sold: 20

Color: Bergamot Organic (Italy)

Price: 13.48 USD

Available Quantity: 34

Quantity Sold: 25

Color: Ginger Organic (Sri Lanka)

Price: 13.98 USD

Available Quantity: 49

Quantity Sold: 40

Color: Cedarwood Atlas (Morocco)

Price: 8.48 USD

Available Quantity: 31

Quantity Sold: 31

Color: Marjoram Organic (Spain)

Price: 9.48 USD

Available Quantity: 18

Quantity Sold: 9

Color: Eucalyptus Lemon Organic (India)

Price: 8.1 USD

Available Quantity: 18

Quantity Sold: 11

Color: Clove Bud Organic (Sri Lanka)

Price: 11.98 USD

Available Quantity: 42

Quantity Sold: 35

Color: Spikenard Organic (Nepal)

Price: 34.98 USD

Available Quantity: 14

Quantity Sold: 14

Color: Pine Organic (Bulgaria)

Price: 10.48 USD

Available Quantity: 27

Quantity Sold: 25

Color: Hyssop Organic (Spain)

Price: 15.98 USD

Available Quantity: 16

Quantity Sold: 8

Color: Cinnamon Organic (Sri Lanka)

Price: 7.8 USD

Available Quantity: 44

Quantity Sold: 38

Color: Geranium Organic (Egypt)

Price: 12.5 USD

Available Quantity: 31

Quantity Sold: 25

Color: Sage Organic (Spain)

Price: 11.98 USD

Available Quantity: 35

Quantity Sold: 16

Color: Oregano Organic (Morocco)

Price: 11.99 USD

Available Quantity: 35

Quantity Sold: 30

Color: Black Pepper Organic (Sri Lanka)

Price: 11.48 USD

Available Quantity: 25

Quantity Sold: 18

Color: Anise Organic (Belgium)

Price: 10.48 USD

Available Quantity: 19

Quantity Sold: 13

Color: Juniper Berry Organic (Bulgaria)

Price: 13.98 USD

Available Quantity: 23

Quantity Sold: 14

Color: Nutmeg Organic (Sri Lanka)

Price: 9.98 USD

Available Quantity: 18

Quantity Sold: 9

Color: Rose Geranium Organic (South Africa)

Price: 25.98 USD

Available Quantity: 15

Quantity Sold: 13

Color: Eucalyptus Globulus Organic (India)

Price: 9.48 USD

Available Quantity: 12

Quantity Sold: 5

Color: Ylang Ylang Organic (Madagascar)

Price: 14.48 USD

Available Quantity: 11

Quantity Sold: 11

Color: Fennel Sweet Organic (Hungary)

Price: 10.48 USD

Available Quantity: 20

Quantity Sold: 13

Color: Chamomile German Organic (Nepal)

Price: 44.98 USD

Available Quantity: 1

Quantity Sold: 1

Color: Citronella Organic (India)

Price: 9.98 USD

Available Quantity: 20

Quantity Sold: 4


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